Eight Aims for the Movement Against the «Five Evils»


This edition of Eight Aims for the Movement Against the «Five Evils» has been prepared and revised for digital publication by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism under the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Switzerland on the basis of the following edition: On the Struggle Against the «Three Evils» and the «Five Evils», in the Selected Works of Mao Zedong, First English Edition, Vol. 5, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 1977.


This is an inner-Party directive drafted by Comrade Mao Zedong for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the 23rd of March, 1952. It was first published in the Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Vol. 5, in 1977.

#Workers and oppressed people of the world, unite!



#Mao Zedong
#23rd of March, 1952


During and also after the struggle against the «Five Evils», we must achieve the following aims:


Get thoroughly clear about the situation in private industry and commerce, so as the better to unite with and control the bourgeoisie and develop the country's planned economy. Planned economy is impossible unless we are clear about the situation.


Draw a clear line of distinction between the working class and the bourgeoisie, and in trade unions, eliminate corruption and bureaucracy which alienates the masses and weed out the capitalists' hirelings. Such hirelings and the Centrist elements vacillating between labour and capital are to be found in trade unions everywhere, and in the struggle, we must educate and win over the Centrist elements, whereas those hirelings guilty of serious crimes should be expelled.


Reorganize the trade councils and associations of industry and commerce, remove from their leading bodies persons guilty of all the «Five Evils» and those who have been totally discredited, and in their stead draw in those who have acquitted themselves fairly well in the struggle against these evils. With the exception of those who have completely violated the law, there should be representation of all categories of industrialists and merchants.


Help leaders of the China Democratic National Construction Association to conduct a shakeup, to expel those guilty of all the «Five Evils» and those who have disgraced themselves in the public eye, and to recruit a number of better individuals, so that it can become a political organization capable of representing the legitimate interests of the bourgeoisie, mainly the industrial bourgeoisie, and of educating them in the spirit of the Common Programme and in the principles governing the struggle against the «Five Evils». Take measures to disband the underground organizations of different groups of capitalists, such as the «Thursday Dinner Club».1


Eradicate the «Five Evils» and eliminate commercial speculation, so that the entire bourgeoisie will obey the laws and decrees of the State and engage in industrial and commercial activities beneficial to the nation's economy and the people's livelihood. Develop private industry within the limits set by the State (provided the capitalists so wish and its operations conform with the Common Programme), and reduce private commerce step by step. Expand the State's plan to monopolize the sales and contracts of private industry year by year and at the same time extend the coverage of our plan over private industry and commerce. Set new percentages of profit for private capital, so that it will be able to make some profits, but not exorbitant ones.


Do away with hidden accounts, make the accounts public, and gradually establish a system under which the workers and shop assistants supervise production and management.


Recover the greater part of the economic losses to the State and the people through the payment of evaded taxes, restitution, fines, and confiscation.


Set up Party branches among workers and shop assistants in all big and middle private enterprises and strengthen Party work.

  1. Editor's Note: The «Thursday Dinner Club» was an underground organization of some capitalists in Chongqing, which engaged in surreptitious activities in grave violation of the law. It was exposed and banned in the Movement Against the «Five Evils».