Mao Zedong
#Workers and oppressed people of the world, unite!

#26th of December, 1893 — 9th of September, 1976
Works by Comrade Mao Zedong, the founder of Maoism and leader of the Great Chinese Revolution and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society (Before the 1st of December, 1925)
Report on a Survey of the Peasant Movement in Hunan (16th to 18th of February, 1927)
Political Power Grows Out of the Barrel of a Gun (7th of August, 1927)
The Political Problems and the Tasks of the Border Area Party Organization (5th of October, 1928)
The Struggle in the Jinggang Mountains (25th of November, 1928)
On the Guerrilla Tactics of the Red Army (5th of April, 1929)
Problems of Party Work in the Red Army (28th or 29th of December, 1929)
A Single Spark Can Start a Prairie Fire (5th of January, 1930)
Oppose Dogmatism (May 1930)
How to Differentiate the Classes in the Rural Areas (Before the 29th of June, 1933)
Pay Attention to Economic Work and Smash the Fifth «Encirclement and Suppression» Campaign (12th of August, 1933)
This Year's Elections (6th of September, 1933)
Only the Council Power Can Save China (24th and 25th of January, 1934)
Be Concerned With the Well-Being of the Masses, Pay Attention to Methods of Work (27th of January, 1934)
On Tactics Against Japanese Imperialism (27th of December, 1935)
Problems of Strategy in China's Revolutionary War (Autumn-December 1936)
A Statement on Jiang Jieshi's Statement (28th of December, 1936)
Yan'an Conference of the Communist Party of China:
- The Tasks of the Communist Party of China in the Period of Resistance to Japan (3rd of May, 1937)
- Win the Masses in Their Millions for the Anti-Japanese National United Front (7th of May, 1937)
Policies, Measures, and Perspectives for Resisting the Japanese Invasion (23rd of July, 1937)
On Dialectical Materialism (July-August 1937)
For the Mobilization of All the Nation's Forces for Victory in the War of Resistance (25th of August, 1937)
Combat Individualism (7th of September, 1937)
Urgent Tasks Following the Establishment of Nationalist-Communist Cooperation (29th of September, 1937)
Preface to the 1937 Chinese Edition of Rural Surveys (6th of October, 1937)
Some Questions Concerning the War of Resistance (25th of October, 1937)
The Situation and Tasks in the Anti-Japanese War After the Fall of Shanghai and Taiyuan (12th of November, 1937)
Proclamation by the Government of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region and the Rear Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army (15th of May, 1938)
On Protracted War (May-June 1938)
Problems of Guerrilla War Against Japan (May-July 1938)
Enlarged Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China:
- On the New Stage (12th to 14th of October, 1938)
- Problems of War, Strategy, and the United Front (5th and 6th of November, 1938)
The 4th of May Movement (Before the 1st of May, 1939)
The Political Orientation for the General Mobilization of the National Spirit (1st of May, 1939)
The Orientation of the Youth Movement (4th of May, 1939)
To Be Attacked by the Enemy Is Not a Bad Thing, But a Good Thing (26th of May, 1939)
The Gravest Danger in the Current Situation (30th of June, 1939)
The Reactionaries Must Be Punished (1st of August, 1939)
On the New International Situation (1st of September, 1939)
On the New Domestic Situation (16th of September, 1939)
The Unity of Interests Between the Council Union and All Humanity (28th of September, 1939)
Introducing The Communist (4th of October, 1939)
The Current Situation and the Party's Tasks (10th of October, 1939)
Recruit Large Numbers of Intellectuals (1st of December, 1939)
The Chinese Revolution and the Communist Party of China (15th of December, 1939)
Stalin, Friend of the Chinese People (20th of December, 1939)
In Memory of Norman Bethune (21st of December, 1939)
It Is Right to Rebel! (21st of December, 1939)
On New Democracy (9th of January, 1940)
Act Consistently in the Interests of the Revolution (15th of January, 1940)
Overcome the Danger of Capitulation and Strive for a Turn for the Better (28th of January, 1940)
Unite All Anti-Japanese Forces and Combat the Anti-Communist Right-Wingers (1st of February, 1940)
Ten Demands for the Nationalist Party (1st of February, 1940)
Speech Delivered at the Inaugural Meeting of the Natural Science Research Society of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region (5th of February, 1940)
We Must Stress Unity and Progress (Before the 7th of February, 1940)
Introducing The Chinese Worker (7th of February, 1940)
New-Democratic Constitutional Government (20th of February, 1940)
On the Question of Political Power in the Anti-Japanese Base Areas (6th of March, 1940)
Current Problems of Tactics in the Anti-Japanese United Front (11th of March, 1940)
Freely Expand the Anti-Japanese Forces and Resist the Onslaughts of the Anti-Communist Right-Wingers (4th of May, 1940)
Unity to the Very End (Before the 5th of July, 1940)
On Policy (25th of December, 1940)
Order on the Southern Anhui Incident (20th of January, 1941)
Statement on the Southern Anhui Incident (22nd of January, 1941)
Preface to the 1941 Chinese Edition of Rural Surveys (17th of March, 1941)
The Situation After the Repulse of the Second Anti-Communist Onslaught (18th of March, 1941)
Postface to the 1941 Chinese Edition of Rural Surveys (19th of April, 1941)
Conclusions on the Repulse of the Second Anti-Communist Onslaught (8th of May, 1941)
Reform Our Study (19th of May, 1941)
Expose the Plot for an East Asian Munich (25th of May, 1941)
On the International United Front Against Fascism (23rd of June, 1941)
On Conducting Rural Surveys (13th of September, 1941)
Put the Revolutionary «Three People's Principles» Into Effect (21st of November, 1941)
Rectify the Party's Style of Work (1st of February, 1942)
Oppose Stereotyped Party Writing (8th of February, 1942)
On Literature and Art (2nd and 23rd of May, 1942)
A Most Important Policy (Before the 7th of September, 1942)
The Turning Point in the Second World War (Before the 12th of October, 1942)
In Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the November Revolution (6th of November, 1942)
Economic and Financial Problems in the Anti-Japanese War (December 1942)
On the Dissolution of the Communist Third International (26th of May, 1943)
Some Questions Concerning Methods of Leadership (1st of June, 1943)
Some Pointed Questions for the Nationalist Party (Before the 12th of July, 1943)
Spread the Mass Movements in the Base Areas and Propagate the «Ten Great Policies» (Before the 1st of October, 1943)
A Comment on the Sessions of the Nationalist Central Executive Committee and of the People's Political Council (Before the 5th of October, 1943)
Inscription for a Production Exhibition (Before the 24th of November, 1943)
Get Organized! (29th of November, 1943)
Letter to the Yan'an Beijing Opera Theatre After Seeing Driven to Join the Liang Mountain Rebels (9th of January, 1944)
Our Study and the Current Situation (12th of April, 1944)
Serve the People (8th of September, 1944)
Be Ruthless to the Enemy and Kind to the People (18th of September, 1944)
On Jiang Jieshi's National Day Speech (11th of October, 1944)
The United Front in Cultural Work (30th of October, 1944)
The Tasks for 1945 (15th of December, 1944)
We Must Learn to Do Economic Work (10th of January, 1945)
Production Is Both Possible and Necessary in the Guerrilla Zones (Before the 31st of January, 1945)
Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China:
- China's Two Possible Destinies (23rd of April, 1945)
- On Coalition Government (24th of April, 1945)
- The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains (11th of June, 1945)
On Production by the Army for Its Own Support and on the Importance of the Great Movements for Rectification and for Production (Before the 27th of April, 1945)
The More the Reactionaries Resort to Massacre, the Nearer They Approach Their Doom (17th of June, 1945)
The Hurley-Jiang Duet Is a Flop (Before the 10th of July, 1945)
On the Danger of the Hurley Policy (Before the 12th of July, 1945)
Congratulations on the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of the United States of America and the Elimination of Earl Browder's Capitulationist Line (29th of July, 1945)
The Last Round With the Japanese Invaders (Before the 9th of August, 1945)
Jiang Jieshi Is Provoking Civil War (Before the 12th of August, 1945)
The Situation and Our Policy After the Victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan (13th of August, 1945)
Telegram to Jiang Jieshi (13th of August, 1945)
Enemy of the People Jiang Jieshi Calls for Civil War (Before the 16th of August, 1945)
Telegram to Jiang Jieshi (16th of August, 1945)
On Peace Negotiations With the Nationalist Party of China (26th of August, 1945)
On the Chongqing Negotiations (17th of October, 1945)
The Truth About the Nationalist Attacks (Before the 5th of November, 1945)
Rent Reduction and Production Are Two Important Matters for the Defence of the Liberated Areas (7th of November, 1945)
Policy for Work in the Liberated Areas for 1946 (15th of December, 1945)
Build Stable Base Areas in the North-East (28th of December, 1945)
Some Points in Appraisal of the Present International Situation (April 1946)
Smash Jiang Jieshi's Offensive by a War of Self-Defence (20th of July, 1946)
Imperialism and All Reactionaries Are Paper Tigers (6th of August, 1946)
Concentrate a Superior Force to Destroy the Enemy Forces One by One (16th of September, 1946)
The Truth About US «Mediation» and the Future of the Civil War in China (29th of September, 1946)
A Three Months' Summary (1st of October, 1946)
Jiang Jieshi Is at the End of His Rope (18th of November, 1946)
Greet the New High Tide of the Chinese Revolution (1st of February, 1947)
On the Temporary Abandonment of Yan'an and the Defence of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region (9th of April, 1947)
The Concept of Operations for the North-Western War Theatre (15th of April, 1947)
The Jiang Jieshi Government Is Besieged by the Whole People (Before the 30th of May, 1947)
Strategy for the Second Year of the War of Liberation (1st of September, 1947)
Manifesto of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (Before the 10th of October, 1947)
On the Reissue of the «Three Main Rules of Discipline» and the «Eight Points for Attention» (Before the 10th of October, 1947)
The Present Situation and Our Tasks (25th of December, 1947)
On Setting Up a System of Reports (7th of January, 1948)
On Some Important Problems of the Party's Present Policy (18th of January, 1948)
The Democratic Movement in the Army (30th of January, 1948)
Different Tactics for Carrying Out the Land Law in Different Areas (3rd of February, 1948)
Correct the «Left-Wing» Errors in Land Reform Propaganda (11th of February, 1948)
Essential Points in Land Reform in the New Liberated Areas (15th of February, 1948)
On the Policy Concerning Industry and Commerce (27th of February, 1948)
On the Question of the National Bourgeoisie and the Enlightened Gentry (1st of March, 1948)
On the Great Victory in the North-West and on the New Type of Ideological Education Movement in the Liberation Army (7th of March, 1948)
On the Situation (20th of March, 1948)
The General Line for China's New-Democratic Revolution (1st of April, 1948)
On the Dissemination of Party Policy by Newspapers (2nd of April, 1948)
How to Consolidate Newly Captured Cities (8th of April, 1948)
Tactical Problems of Rural Work in the New Liberated Areas (24th of May, 1948)
The Work of Land Reform and of Party Consolidation in 1948 (25th of May, 1948)
There Is No Such Thing as Maoism at Present (15th of August, 1948)
The Concept of Operations for the Liaoxi-Shenyang Campaign (7th of September, 1948)
On Strengthening the Party Committee System (20th of September, 1948)
The Concept of Operations for the Liaoxi-Shenyang Campaign (10th of October, 1948)
On the September Meeting (10th of October, 1948)
The Concept of Operations for the Huai-Hai Campaign (11th of October, 1948)
Revolutionary Forces of the World, Unite and Fight Against Imperialist Aggression! (17th of October, 1948)
The Momentous Change in China's Military Situation (14th of November, 1948)
The Concept of Operations for the Beijing-Tianjin Campaign (11th of December, 1948)
It Is in the Interest of the Nationalist Generals to Surrender (17th of December, 1948)
Carry the Revolution Through to the End (30th of December, 1948)
On the War Criminal's Suing for Peace (Before the 3rd of January, 1949)
On the Present Situation (14th of January, 1949)
On the Resolution of the Nanjing Executive Chamber (Before the 21st of January, 1949)
On the Question of Peace Negotiations (25th of January, 1949)
On Ordering the Reactionary Nationalist Government to Rearrest Okamura Yasuji, Former Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Forces of Aggression in China, and to Arrest the Nationalist Civil War Criminals (28th of January, 1949)
Peace Terms Must Include the Punishment of Japanese and Nationalist War Criminals (5th of February, 1949)
Turn the Army Into a Working Force (8th of February, 1949)
Why Do the Badly Split Reactionaries Still Idly Clamour for «Total Peace»? (15th of February, 1949)
The Nationalist War Criminals Turn From an «Appeal for Peace» to an Appeal for War (16th of February, 1949)
On the Nationalist Party's Different Answers to the Question of Responsibility for the War (18th of February, 1949)
Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China:
- To Win Countrywide Victory Is Only the First Step in a Long March (5th of March, 1949)
- On Certain Problems of the Communist Party of China (13th of March, 1949)
Where Is the Nanjing Government Heading? (4th of April, 1949)
Order to the Army for the Countrywide Advance (21st of April, 1949)
Proclamation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (25th of April, 1949)
On the Outrages by British Warships (30th of April, 1949)
The Chinese Revolution Has Won Fundamental Victory (15th of June, 1949)
On the People's Democratic Dictatorship (30th of June, 1949)
Inscription for the Magazine Women of New China (Before the 20th of July, 1949)
Cast Away Illusions, Prepare for Struggle! (14th of August, 1949)
Goodbye, Leighton Stuart! (18th of August, 1949)
Why It Is Necessary to Discuss the White Paper (28th of August, 1949)
«Friendship» or Aggression? (30th of August, 1949)
The Bankruptcy of the Idealist Conception of History (16th of September, 1949)
First Plenary Session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference:
- The Chinese People Have Stood Up! (21st of September, 1949)
- Long Live the Great Unity of the Chinese People! (30th of September, 1949)
Eternal Glory to the Heroes of the People! (30th of September, 1949)
Proclamation of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China (1st of October, 1949)
Always Keep to the Style of Plain Living and Hard Struggle (26th of October, 1949)
Request for Opinions on the Tactics for Dealing With Rich Peasants (12th of March, 1950)
Third Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China:
- Fight for a Fundamental Turn for the Better in the Nation's Financial and Economic Situation (6th of June, 1950)
- Don't Hit Out in All Directions (6th of June, 1950)
Be a True Revolutionary (23rd of June, 1950)
Defeat All Provocations by US Imperialism! (28th of June, 1950)
You Are Models for the Whole Nation (25th of September, 1950)
Order to Organize the Chinese People's Volunteer Army (8th of October, 1950)
Excerpt From a Telegram to Huang Kecheng (19th of December, 1950)
Telegram to All Bureaus of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (17th of January, 1951)
The Chinese People's Volunteer Army Should Cherish Every Hill, River, Tree, and Blade of Grass in Korea (19th of January, 1951)
Excerpt From a Comment on a Telegram From the East China Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (24th of January, 1951)
Main Points of the Resolution Adopted at the Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (18th of February, 1951)
Excerpt From a Telegram to All Military Areas of the People's Republic of China (28th of February, 1951)
Instruction on the Movement to Suppress Counter-Revolutionaries (9th of March, 1951)
On the Assassination of Comrade Huang Zuyan (18th of March, 1951)
Excerpt From a Comment on a Plan Submitted by the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (24th of March, 1951)
Excerpt From a Comment on a Report Submitted by the Shandong Sub-Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (30th of March, 1951)
Comment on a Report Submitted by the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (2nd of April, 1951)
Excerpt From a Comment on a Directive From the South-Western Bureau of the Central Committee to the North Sichuan Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China (3rd of April, 1951)
On the Policy of Granting a Two-Year Reprieve to Counter-Revolutionaries Sentenced to Death (8th of May, 1951)
The Party's Mass Line Must Be Followed in Suppressing Counter-Revolutionaries (15th of May, 1951)
Pay Serious Attention to the Discussion of the Film The Life of Wu Xun (Before the 20th of May, 1951)
Speech Delivered at the Reception Celebrating the Signing of the Agreement on the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet (24th of May, 1951)
Telegram to All Bureaus and Sub-Bureaus of the Central Committee and All Provincial, Municipal, Prefectural, and County Committees of the Communist Party of China (15th of June, 1951)
Passage Added to the Draft Resolution of the Fourth National Conference on Public Security (10th of September, 1951)
Passage Added to Luo Ruiqing's Draft Report to the Third Session of the First National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (1st of October, 1951)
Great Victories in Three Mass Movements (23rd of October, 1951)
Comment on a Report Submitted by Deng Xiaoping (30th of November, 1951)
Comment on a Report Submitted by the North China Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (30th of November, 1951)
On the Struggle Against the «Three Evils» (8th of December, 1951)
Take Mutual Aid and Cooperation in Agriculture as a Major Task (15th of December, 1951)
New Year Message (1st of January, 1952)
On the Struggle Against the «Five Evils» (26th of January, 1952)
Methods of Struggle Against the «Five Evils» in Industrial and Commercial Units (5th of March, 1952)
Eight Aims for the Movement Against the «Five Evils» (23rd of March, 1952)
On the Policies for Our Work in Tibet (6th of April, 1952)
The Contradiction Between the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie Is the Primary Contradiction in China (6th of June, 1952)
Inscription for the Chinese National Sports Federation (10th of June, 1952)
Let Us Unite and Clearly Distinguish Between Ourselves and the Enemy (4th of August, 1952)
Hail the Signal Victory of the Chinese People's Volunteers! (24th of October, 1952)
Combat Bureaucracy, Commandism, and Violations of the Law and of Discipline (5th of January, 1953)
Three Important Tasks of the Day (7th of February, 1953)
The Greatest Friendship (9th of March, 1953)
Criticize Han Chauvinism (16th of March, 1953)
Solve the Problem of the «Five Excesses» (19th of March, 1953)
Criticism of Liu Shaoqi and Yang Shangkun for Breach of Discipline in Issuing Documents in the Name of the Central Committee Without Authorization (19th of May, 1953)
Refute Right-Deviationist Views That Depart From the General Line (15th of June, 1953)
The Youth League in Its Work Must Take the Characteristics of Youth Into Consideration (30th of June, 1953)
On State Capitalism (9th of July, 1953)
The Party's General Line for the Transitional Period (Before the 12th of August, 1953)
Combat Bourgeois Ideas in the Party (12th of August, 1953)
The Only Road for the Transformation of Capitalist Industry and Commerce (7th of September, 1953)
Our Great Victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and Our Future Tasks (12th of September, 1953)
Criticism of Liang Shuming's Reactionary Ideas (16th to 18th of September, 1953)
On Mutual Aid and Cooperation in Agriculture (15th of October, 1953)
On Mutual Aid and Cooperation in Agriculture (4th of November, 1953)
On the Draft Constitution of the People's Republic of China (14th of June, 1954)
Strive to Build a Great Socialist Country (15th of September, 1954)
Concerning the Study of The Dream of the Red Chamber (16th of October, 1954)
The Chinese People Cannot Be Cowed by the Atomic Bomb (25th of January, 1955)
National Conference of the Communist Party of China:
- Opening Speech (21st of March, 1955)
- Concluding Speech (31st of March, 1955)
In Refutation of the Counter-Revolutionary Hu Feng Clique (May-June 1955)
On the Cooperative Transformation of Agriculture (31st of July, 1955)
Rely on Party and League Members and Poor and Lower-Middle Peasants in the Cooperative Transformation of Agriculture (7th of September, 1955)
First Preface to Socialist Upsurge in China's Countryside (25th of September, 1955)
The Debate on the Cooperative Transformation of Agriculture and the Current Class Struggle (11th of October, 1955)
Request for Opinions on the 17-Article Document Concerning Agriculture (21st of December, 1955)
Second Preface to Socialist Upsurge in China's Countryside (27th of December, 1955)
Socialist Revolution Aims at Liberating the Productive Forces (25th of January, 1956)
Speed Up the Socialist Transformation of Handicrafts (5th of March, 1956)
On the Ten Major Relationships (25th of April, 1956)
US Imperialism Is a Paper Tiger (14th of July, 1956)
A Talk to Music Workers (24th of August, 1956)
First Session of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China:
- Strengthen Party Unity and Carry Forward Party Traditions (30th of August, 1956)
- Close Integration of Marxist Theory With the Concrete Practice of Our Revolution Is Our Consistent Ideological Principle (15th of September, 1956)
- Some Experiences in Our Party's History (25th of September, 1956)
In Commemoration of Dr. Sun Yixian (Before the 12th of November, 1956)
Plain Living and Hard Work Is Our Intrinsic Political Quality (15th of November, 1956)
Conference of Secretaries of Provincial, Municipal, and Autonomous Region Committees of the Communist Party of China:
- On the Question of Ideological Trends (18th of January, 1957)
- Act According to Dialectics (27th of January, 1957)
On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People (27th of February, 1957)
On the Question of Propaganda Work (12th of March, 1957)
Persevere in Plain Living and Hard Struggle (18th of March, 1957)
Maintain Close Ties With the Masses (19th of March, 1957)
Things Are Beginning to Change (15th of May, 1957)
The Communist Party of China Is the Core of Leadership of the Whole Chinese People (25th of May, 1957)
Muster Our Forces to Repulse the Right-Wingers' Wild Attacks (8th of June, 1957)
The Bourgeois Orientation of the Literary News Over a Period of Time (Before the 14th of June, 1957)
The Bourgeois Orientation of the Literary News Should Be Criticized (Before the 1st of July, 1957)
Beat Back the Attacks of the Bourgeois Right-Wingers (9th of July, 1957)
The Situation in the Summer of 1957 (Third Week of July 1957)
Be Activists in Promoting the Revolution (9th of October, 1957)
Have Firm Faith in the Majority of the People (13th of October, 1957)
In Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the November Revolution (6th of November, 1957)
The Future Belongs to the Youth (17th of November, 1957)
The East Wind Prevails Over the West Wind (18th of November, 1957)
Introducing a Cooperative (15th of April, 1958)
On the Study of Stalin's Book Economic Problems of Socialism in the Council Union (10th of November, 1958)
On the Question of Whether Imperialism and All Reactionaries Are Real Tigers (1st of December, 1958)
Comments on Stalin's Book Economic Problems of Socialism in the Council Union (Around 1959)
Comment on Empiricism or Marxism-Leninism? (15th of August, 1959)
Comment on The Correct Attitude Marxists Should Take Toward the Revolutionary Mass Movement (15th of August, 1959)
On the Origin of Machine-Guns and Mortars (16th of August, 1959)
On the Study of the Soviet Textbook Political Economy (December 1959-February 1960)
Comment on the Charter of the Anshan Iron and Steel Company (22nd of March, 1960)
Letter to the Jiangxi Communist Labour University (30th of July, 1961)
On Democratic Centralism (30th of January, 1962)
Inscription for Japanese Worker Friends (18th of September, 1962)
Never Forget Classes and the Class Struggle (24th of September, 1962)
On Certain Problems in Our Present Rural Work (20th of May, 1963)
On the Question of Synthesis (Summer 1964)
Train Successors to the Revolutionary Cause of the Proletariat and Pay Full Attention to Military Affairs (16th of June, 1964)
On the Question of Philosophy (18th of August, 1964)
On the Question of Natural Science (24th of August, 1964)
Some Current Problems Raised in the Socialist Education Movement in the Rural Areas (9th of January, 1965)
On the Question of Poetry (21st of July, 1965)
On the Question of Farm Mechanization (12th of March, 1966)
The Whole Country Should Be a Great School (7th and 14th of May, 1966)
Criticize and Repudiate Those Party Members in Power Who Are Taking the Capitalist Road (April-May 1966)
Revisionist Rule in China Will Not Last Long (8th of July, 1966)
Bombard the Bourgeois Headquarters! (5th of August, 1966)
Concerning the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (July-August 1966)
On the Process of Development of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1st of May, 1967)
On the Essence of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (Before April 1968)
Rely Directly on the Revolutionary Masses (Before the 14th of October, 1968)
Unite to Win Still Greater Victories! (1st of April, 1969)
The Revolution Is Still Unfinished (28th of April, 1969)
People of the World, Unite and Defeat the US Aggressors and All Their Lackeys! (20th of May, 1970)
We Don't Demand That All Foreigners Recognize the Ideology of the Chinese People (6th of December, 1970)
Read and Study Conscientiously and Get a Good Grasp of Marxism (29th of December, 1970)
Condolences on the Death of Edgar Snow (16th of February, 1972)
Never Seek Hegemony (Before the 10th of December, 1972)
On the Differentiation of the Three Worlds (22nd of February, 1974)
Talk With Former British Prime Minister Edward Heath (25th of May, 1974)
Talk With Danish Prime Minister Poul Hartling (20th of October, 1974)
On the Question of Theory (26th of December, 1974)
Settle the Question of Factionalism and Prevent a Split (3rd of May, 1975)
Unfold Criticism of Water Margin and Capitulationism (14th of August, 1975)
Excerpt From a Talk With Julie Nixon Eisenhower and David Eisenhower (31st of December, 1975)
Excerpt From a Talk With Former US President Richard Nixon (23rd of February, 1976)
The Bourgeoisie Is Right Inside the Communist Party (September 1975-March 1976)
On the Counter-Revolutionary Political Incident at the Square of Heavenly Peace (7th of April, 1976)
Four Sentences Written Down During a Talk With Hua Guofeng (30th of April, 1976)
Deng Xiaoping and Ye Jianying Are Wolves in Sheep's Clothing (30th of April, 1976)
Seal the Coffin and Pass the Final Verdict (15th of June, 1976)
Sentence Written Down During a Talk With Hua Guofeng (25th of June, 1976)
Poem Written for Jiang Qing (August 1976)
To My Comrades (August-September 1976)
Last Words (7th of September, 1976)