For the Mobilization of All the Nation's Forces for Victory in the War of Resistance


This edition of For the Mobilization of All the Nation's Forces for Victory in the War of Resistance has been prepared and revised for digital publication by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism under the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Switzerland on the basis of the following editions:

  • For the Mobilization of All the Nation's Forces for Victory in the War of Resistance, in the Selected Works of Mao Zedong, First English Edition, Volume 2, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 1965.
  • For the Mobilization of All Our Forces to Achieve Victory in the War of Resistance, in Mao's Road to Power, First English Edition, Volume 6, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, 2004.


This is an outline for propaganda and agitation written by Comrade Mao Zedong in Yan'an, Shaanxi, China on the 25th of August, 1937 for the propaganda organs of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. It was first published in the Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Volume 2, in 1951.

The outline was approved by the Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Party's Central Committee at Luochuan, northern Shaanxi.

#Workers and oppressed people of the world, unite!


#Mao Zedong
#25th of August, 1937


The Marco Polo Bridge Incident of the 7th of July marked the beginning of the Japanese imperialist all-out invasion of China south of the Great Wall. The fight put up by the Chinese troops at Marco Polo Bridge marked the beginning of China's nationwide War of Resistance. The ceaseless Japanese attacks, the people's resolute struggle, the national bourgeoisie's tendency toward resistance, the Communist Party's vigorous advocacy and firm application of a national united front policy, and the nationwide support this policy has won — all these have compelled the Chinese authorities to begin changing their policy of non-resistance, as pursued ever since the 18th of September Incident of 1931, to a policy of resistance since the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, and have caused the Chinese revolution to develop beyond the stage reached after the 9th of December Movement,1 that is, the stage of ending the civil war and preparing for resistance, into the stage of actual resistance. The initial changes in the Nationalist Party's policy with the Xi'an Incident and the Third Plenary Session of its Central Executive Committee as their starting point, Mr. Jiang Jieshi's Mount Lu statement of the 17th of July on the question of resistance to Japan, and many of his measures of national defence, all deserve commendation. The troops at the front, whether the land and air forces or the local armed units, have all fought courageously and demonstrated the heroic spirit of the Chinese nation. In the name of the national revolution, the Communist Party of China ardently salutes our patriotic troops and compatriots throughout China.

But, on the other hand, even after the Marco Polo Bridge Incident of the 7th of July, the Nationalist authorities are continuing to pursue the wrong policy they have pursued ever since the 18th of September Incident (in particular, the failure of the Hebei and Chaha'er authorities to adopt resolute policies of resistance), making compromises and concessions,2 suppressing the zeal of the patriotic troops, and clamping down on the patriotic people's national salvation movement, thus enabling the enemy to seize Beijing, our ancient capital with a history of several hundred years, and Tianjin, our major port city in the north, within only 20 days. This is the most serious loss and the greatest lesson since the loss of the fourth north-eastern provinces. There is no doubt that, having seized Beijing and Tianjin, Japanese imperialism will press ahead with its policy of large-scale offensives, take the second and third steps in its premeditated war plan, and launch fierce attacks on the whole of northern China and other areas, relying on its own brute military strength, while at the same time drawing support from German and Italian imperialism and exploiting the vacillations of British imperialism and the estrangement of the Nationalist Party from the broad masses of the working people. The flames of war are already raging in Chaha'er and in Shanghai. To save our homeland, to resist the attacks of the powerful invaders, to defend northern China and the seacoast, and to recover Beijing, Tianjin, and north-eastern China, the Nationalist authorities and the whole people must thoroughly learn the lesson of the loss of north-eastern China, Beijing, and Tianjin, learn and take warning from the fall of Ethiopia, learn from the Council Union's past victories over its foreign enemies,3learn from Spain's present experience in successfully defending Madrid,4 and firmly unite to fight to the end in defence of the homeland. From now on, the task is: «Mobilize all the nation's forces for victory in the War of Resistance», and the key to its accomplishment is a complete and thorough change in Nationalist policy. The step forward taken by the Nationalist Party on the question of resistance is to be commended; it is what the Communist Party of China and the people of the whole country have for years been hoping for, and we welcome it. But the Nationalist Party has not changed its policies on such matters as the mobilization of the masses and the introduction of political reforms. It is still basically unwilling to lift the ban on the people's anti-Japanese movement or make fundamental changes in the government apparatus, it still has no policy for improving the people's livelihood, and is still not sufficiently sincere in its cooperation with the Communist Party. If, at this critical juncture of life or death for our nation, the Nationalist Party continues in the same old groove and does not quickly change its policy, it will bring disaster to the War of Resistance. Some Nationalists say: «Let political reforms be instituted after victory.» They think the Japanese aggressors can be defeated by the government's efforts alone, but they are wrong, and such a course will almost inevitably cause the defeat of the war. A few battles may be won in a war of resistance fought by the government alone, but it will be impossible to defeat the Japanese aggressors thoroughly. This can be done only by a war of total resistance by the whole nation. Such a war, however, requires a complete and drastic change in Nationalist policy and the joint efforts of the whole nation from top to bottom to carry out a thoroughgoing programme of resistance to Japan, that is, a national salvation programme formulated in the spirit of the revolutionary «Three People's Principles» and the «Three Great Policies»5 drawn up personally by Dr. Sun Yixian during the first period of Nationalist-Communist cooperation.

In all earnestness, the Communist Party of China proposes to the Nationalist Party of China, to the people of the whole country, to all political parties and groups, to people in all walks of life, and to all the armed forces a Ten-Point National Salvation Programme for the purpose of completely defeating the Japanese aggressors. It firmly believes that only by carrying out this programme fully, sincerely, and resolutely will it be possible to defend the homeland and defeat the Japanese aggressors. Otherwise, the responsibility will fall on those who procrastinate and allow the situation to deteriorate; once the country's doom is sealed, it will be too late for regrets and lamentations. The ten points are as follows:

  • Overthrow Japanese imperialism.
    • Sever diplomatic relations with Japan, expel Japanese officials, arrest Japanese agents, confiscate Japanese property in China, repudiate debts to Japan, abrogate treaties signed with Japan, and take back all Japanese concessions.
    • Fight to the finish in defence of northern China and the seacoast.
    • Fight to the finish for the recovery of Beijing, Tianjin, and north-eastern China.
    • Drive the Japanese imperialists out of China.
    • Oppose all vacillation and compromise.
  • Mobilize the military strength of the whole nation.
    • Mobilize all land, sea, and air forces for a nationwide war of resistance.
    • Oppose a passive, purely defensive strategy and adopt an active, independent strategy.
    • Set up a permanent council of national defence to deliberate and decide on national defence plans and strategy.
    • Arm the people and develop anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare in coordination with the operations of the main forces.
    • Reform the political work in the armed forces to achieve unity between officers and soldiers.
    • Achieve unity between the army and the people and bring the army's militant spirit into play.
    • Support the North-Eastern Anti-Japanese United Army and disrupt the enemy's rear.
    • Give equal treatment to all troops fighting in the War of Resistance.
    • Establish military zones in all parts of the country, mobilize the whole nation to join in the war, and thus effect a gradual change from the mercenary system to one of general military service.
  • Mobilize the people of the whole country.
    • Let all the people of the country (with the exception of the traitors) have freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and association in resisting Japan and saving the nation, and the right to take up arms against the enemy.
    • Annul all old laws and decrees which restrict the people's patriotic movements and promulgate new, revolutionary laws and decrees.
    • Release all patriotic and revolutionary political prisoners and lift the ban on political parties.
    • Let the people of the whole country mobilize, take up arms, and join the War of Resistance. Let those with strength contribute strength, those with money contribute money, those with guns contribute guns, and those with knowledge contribute knowledge.
    • Mobilize the Mongolian, the Hui, and all other minority nationalities, in accordance with the principle of national self-determination and autonomy, in the common fight against Japan.
  • Reform the government apparatus.
    • Call a national assembly which is genuinely representative of the people to adopt a genuinely democratic constitution, to decide on policies for resisting Japan and saving the nation, and to elect a government of national defence.
    • The government of national defence must draw in the revolutionaries of all political parties and mass organizations, and expel the pro-Japanese elements.
    • The government of national defence shall practise democratic centralism, and shall be at once democratic and centralized.
    • The government of national defence shall pursue revolutionary policies for resisting Japan and saving the nation.
    • Institute local self-government, throw out corrupt officials, and establish clean government.
  • Adopt an anti-Japanese foreign policy.
    • Conclude anti-aggression alliances and anti-Japanese pacts for mutual military aid with all countries that are opposed to Japanese aggression, provided that this entails no loss of our territory or of our sovereign rights.
    • Support the international peace front and oppose the front of aggression of Germany, Japan, and Italy.
    • Unite with the worker and peasant masses of Korea and Japan against Japanese imperialism.
  • Adopt wartime financial and economic policies.
    • Financial policy should be based on the principle that those with money should contribute money and that the property of the traitors should be confiscated in order to meet war expenditures. Economic policy should consist in readjusting and expanding defence production, developing the rural economy, and assuring self-sufficiency in wartime commodities. Encourage the use of Chinese goods and improve local products. Completely prohibit Japanese goods. Suppress profiteering merchants and ban speculation and manipulation of the market.
  • Improve the people's livelihood.
    • Improve the conditions of workers, peasants, office employees and teachers, and of soldiers fighting the Japanese.
    • Give preferential treatment to the families of the soldiers fighting the Japanese.
    • Abolish exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous levies.
    • Reduce rent and interest.
    • Give relief to the unemployed.
    • Regulate grain supplies.
    • Aid the victims of natural calamities.
  • Adopt an anti-Japanese educational policy.
    • Change the existing educational system and curriculum and put into effect a new system and curriculum aimed at resisting Japan and saving the nation.
    • Adopt a programme of generalized, compulsory, and free education, and raise the people's national consciousness.
    • Carry out military training of the students throughout the country.
  • Weed out traitors and pro-Japanese elements and consolidate the rear.
  • Achieve national unity against Japan.
    • Build up the Anti-Japanese National United Front of all political parties and groups, people in all walks of life, and all armed forces on the basis of Nationalist-Communist cooperation in order to lead the War of Resistance, unite in good faith, and meet the national crisis.

It is imperative to discard the policy of resistance by the government alone and to enforce the policy of total resistance by the whole nation. The government must unite with the people, fully restore the revolutionary spirit of Dr. Sun Yixian, put the above Ten-Point Programme into effect, and strive for complete victory. Together with the masses of the people and the armed forces under its leadership, the Communist Party of China will firmly adhere to this programme and stand in the forefront of the War of Resistance, defending the homeland to the last drop of its blood. In keeping with its consistent policy, the Communist Party of China is ready to stand side by side with the Nationalist Party of China and the other political parties and groups and unite with them in building the solid Great Wall of the national united front to defeat the infamous Japanese aggressors and strive for a New China which is independent, happy, and free. To achieve this goal, we must firmly repudiate the traitors' theories of compromise and capitulation, and combat national defeatism, according to which it is impossible to defeat the Japanese aggressors. The Communist Party of China firmly believes that the Japanese aggressors can definitely be defeated, provided the above Ten-Point Programme is carried out. If our 450'000'000 compatriots all exert themselves, the Chinese nation will certainly achieve final victory!


  1. Editor's Note: The year 1935 witnessed a new upsurge in the popular patriotic movement throughout China. Students in Beijing, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, held a patriotic demonstration on the 9th of December, putting forward such slogans as «Stop the civil war and unite to resist foreign aggression!» and «Down with Japanese imperialism!». This movement broke through the long reign of terror imposed by the Nationalist government in league with the Japanese invaders and very quickly won the people's support throughout the country. It is known as the «9th of December Movement». The outcome was that new changes manifested themselves in the relations among the various classes in the country, and the Anti-Japanese National United Front proposed by the Communist Party of China became the openly advocated policy of all patriotic people. The Jiang Jieshi government, with its traitorous policy, became very isolated. 

  2. Editor's Note: On the 7th of July, 1937, the Japanese imperialists staged the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in their attempt to annex the whole of China by armed force. The Chinese people unanimously demanded war against Japan. Ten days elapsed before Jiang Jieshi tardily made a public statement at Mount Lu announcing armed resistance to Japan. He did so under nationwide popular pressure and as a result of the serious blow the Japanese invasion had dealt to the interests both of the British and US imperialists in China and of the big feudal lords and the big bourgeoisie whom Jiang Jieshi directly represented. But, at the same time, the Jiang Jieshi government continued to parley with the Japanese aggressors and even accepted the so-called peaceful settlements they concluded with local authorities. It was not until the 13th of August, 1937, when the Japanese aggressors launched a major attack on Shanghai and thus made it impossible for Jiang Jieshi to maintain his rule in south-eastern China, that he was compelled to embark on armed resistance; but Jiang never ceased his clandestine attempts to make peace with Japan right up to 1944. Throughout the War of Resistance, Jiang Jieshi opposed all-out people's war, in which the entire people are mobilized, and pursued the reactionary policy of passively resisting Japan but actively opposing the Communist Party and the people; thus his actions completely violated his own Mount Lu statement that, «once war breaks out, every person, young or old, in the north or in the south, must take up the responsibility of resisting Japan and defending our homeland». 

  3. See: I.V. Stalin: History of the Communist Party of the Council Union (Majority) (Before September 1938) 

  4. Editor's Note: The defence of Madrid, starting in October 1936, lasted for two years and five months. In 1936, fascist Germany and Italy made use of the Spanish fascist warlord Franco to launch a war of aggression against Spain. The Spanish people, led by the Popular Front Government, heroically defended democracy against aggression. The battle of Madrid, the capital of Spain, was the bitterest in the whole war. Madrid fell in March 1939, because Britain, France, and other imperialist countries assisted the aggressors by their hypocritical policy of «non-intervention» and because divisions arose within the Popular Front. 

  5. Editor's Note: The «Three People's Principles» were the principles and the programme put forward by Sun Yixian on the questions of nationalism, democracy, and people's livelihood in China's bourgeois-democratic revolution. In the Manifesto adopted by the Nationalist Party of China at its First National Congress in 1924, Sun Yixian restated the «Three People's Principles». Nationalism was interpreted as opposition to imperialism, and active support was expressed for the movements of the workers and peasants. Thus, the old «Three People's Principles» were transformed into the new «Three People's Principles», characterized by the «Three Great Policies», that is, alliance with Russia, cooperation with the Communist Party, and assistance to the peasants and workers. The new «Three People's Principles» provided the political basis for the cooperation between the Communist Party of China and the Nationalist Party of China during the period of the National-Revolutionary War (1924-27).