The Situation After the Repulse of the Second Anti-Communist Onslaught


This edition of The Situation After the Repulse of the Second Anti-Communist Onslaught has been prepared and revised for digital publication by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism under the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Switzerland on the basis of the following edition: The Situation After the Repulse of the Second Anti-Communist Onslaught, in the Selected Works of Mao Zedong, First English Edition, Vol. 2, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 1965.


This is an inner-Party directive drafted by Comrade Mao Zedong for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Yan'an, Shaanxi, China on the 18th of March, 1941. It was first published in the Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Vol. 2, in 1951.

#Workers and oppressed people of the world, unite!



#Mao Zedong
#18th of March, 1941



The second anti-Communist onslaught,1 which was touched off by the telegram of He Yingqin and Bai Chongxi (dated the 19th of October last year), reached its climax in the Southern Anhui Incident and Jiang Jieshi's Order of the 17th of January; the rearguard actions are his anti-Communist speech of the 6th of March and the anti-Communist resolution of the People's Political Council.2 From now on, there may be some temporary easing of the situation. With the world's two major imperialist blocs on the eve of a decisive struggle, that faction of China's big bourgeoisie which is pro-British and pro-US and which is still opposed to the Japanese aggressors finds it necessary to seek a slight temporary relaxation in the present strained relations between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party. Besides, the Nationalist Party cannot keep these relations strained to the pitch of the past five months, because of the situation within the Nationalist Party (there are contradictions between its central and local authorities, between the Central Club Clique and the Political Science Group, between the Central Club Clique and the Revival Society,3 and between the Right-wing and the Centrist factions, and also contradictions within the Central Club Clique and the Revival Society themselves), because of the domestic situation (the broad masses of the people are opposed to the Nationalist Party's tyranny and sympathize with the Communist Party) and because of our Party's own policy (of continuing the protest campaign). At the moment, therefore, Jiang Jieshi needs a slight temporary easing of the tension.


The recent struggle points to a decline in the standing of the Nationalist Party and a rise in that of the Communist Party, and this is the key factor in certain changes that have occurred in the relative strength of the two political parties. All this has compelled Jiang Jieshi to reconsider his own standpoint and attitude. In stressing national defence and preaching that party politics are out of date, he is posing as a «national leader» who is above domestic contradictions and feigning impartiality to class and political party, his aim being to preserve the rule of the big landlord class and big bourgeoisie and the Nationalist Party. But this attempt of his will certainly prove futile, if it is only a subterfuge and means no real change in policy.


At the beginning of the recent anti-Communist onslaught, the policy of conciliation and concession, which our Party adopted out of consideration for the general interest (as indicated in the telegram of the 9th of November last year) won the sympathy of the people, and we again won the support of the whole people when, after the Southern Anhui Incident, we turned to a vigorous counter-offensive (as indicated by our two sets of 12 demands,4 our refusal to attend the People's Political Council, and the countrywide protest campaign). This policy of ours, the policy of waging struggle on just grounds, to our advantage, and with restraint, was entirely necessary for repulsing the latest anti-Communist onslaught, and it has already proved fruitful. Until there is a reasonable settlement of the major points at issue between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party, we must not show any slackening in our campaign of stern protest against the Southern Anhui Incident, which was engineered by the pro-Japanese and anti-Communist cliques in the Nationalist Party, and against their political and military oppression in all its forms, and must intensify our propaganda for the first 12 demands.


The Nationalist Party will never relax its policy of oppression of our Party and other Left-wingers or its anti-Communist propaganda in the areas under its rule; therefore, our Party must heighten its vigilance. The Nationalist Party will continue its attacks on the areas north of the Huai River, in eastern Anhui, and in central Hubei, and our armed forces must not hesitate to repulse them. All base areas must strictly carry out the Central Committee's directive of the 25th of December last year,5 intensify inner-Party education on tactics, and rectify «Far Left» views, so that we can unfalteringly maintain the anti-Japanese democratic base areas. Throughout the country, including, of course, all the base areas, we must reject the erroneous estimate that a final split between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party has either already occurred or is about to occur, together with the many incorrect views arising therefrom.

  1. See: Mao Zedong: A Comment on the Sessions of the Nationalist Central Executive Committee and of the People's Political Council (5th of October, 1943) 

  2. Editor's Note: On the 6th of March, 1941, Jiang Jieshi delivered an anti-Communist speech at a meeting of the People's Political Council. Harping on his old theme that the «direction of all military and political affairs» must be «unified», he declared that the bodies of anti-Japanese democratic political power in the enemy's rear should be abolished and that the people's armed forces led by the Communist Party of China must be «concentrated in specified areas» according to his «orders and plans». On the same day, the People's Political Council, which was dominated by the Nationalist reactionaries, passed a resolution whitewashing Jiang Jieshi's anti-Communist and anti-popular activities and violently attacking the Communist members of the People's Political Council for their refusal to attend the council's session in protest against the Southern Anhui Incident. 

  3. Editor's Note: The Revival Society and the Central Club Clique, two Fascist factions within the Nationalist Party of China, were headed by Jiang Jieshi and Chen Lifu respectively. They served the oligarchic interests of the big feudal lords and the big bourgeoisie. But many small-bourgeois elements had joined them under compulsion or had been duped into joining. The text refers to the section of the Revival Society consisting mainly of lower and middle-ranking officers in the Nationalist army and to the section of the Central Club Clique consisting mainly of members not in power. 

  4. Editor's Note: The first set of 12 demands, proposed by the Communist members of the People's Political Council at its session of the 15th of February, 1941, were similar to those listed in the Statement on the Southern Anhui Incident. The second set were put to Jiang Jieshi on the 2nd of March, 1941 by the Communist members of the People's Political Council as a condition for their attendance of the council's sessions and were as follows: (1) Immediately stop the anti-Communist military attacks all over the country. (2) Immediately stop the nationwide political persecution of the Communist Party of China and of all other democratic political parties and groups, recognize their legal status, and release all their members arrested in Xi'an, Chongqing, Guiyang, and other places. (3) Lift the ban on the bookshops which have been closed down in various places, and rescind the order for impounding anti-Japanese books and newspapers in post offices. (4) Immediately stop all restrictions on the New China Daily. Recognize the legal status of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region. (6) Recognize the bodies of anti-Japanese democratic political power in the enemy's rear. (7) Maintain the status quo in the division of garrison areas in central, northern, and north-western China. (8) Let the Communist-led armed forces form another group army in addition to the 18th Group Army, making a total of six army corps. (9) Release all the cadres arrested during the Southern Anhui Incident and provide funds for the relief of the victims' families. (10) Release all officers and soldiers taken prisoner during the Southern Anhui Incident and return all their arms. (11) Form a joint committee of all the political parties and groups, with one representative from each, and appoint the Nationalist and the Communist representatives to be its chairperson and deputy chairperson respectively. (12) Include Communist representatives in the Presidium of the People's Political Council. 

  5. See: Mao Zedong: On Policy (25th of December, 1940)