On the Counter-Revolutionary Political Incident at the Square of Heavenly Peace


This edition of On the Counter-Revolutionary Political Incident at the Square of Heavenly Peace has been translated, prepared, and revised for digital publication by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism under the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Switzerland on the basis of the edition published in the Chinese Cultural Revolution Database.


This is a talk between Comrade Mao Zedong and Mao Yuanxin in Beijing, China on the 7th of April, 1976 between 08:05 and 09:15. First published in the Chinese Cultural Revolution Database.

#Workers and oppressed people of the world, unite!



#Mao Zedong
#7th of April, 1976


MAO YUANXIN: Some comrades thought that we couldn't just go and beat up the protesters. However, others said that the nature of the problem had changed, that we should hit back, and that we should beat them with batons.

MAO ZEDONG: Who said that? Chen Xilian?

MAO YUANXIN: It doesn't seem so. He agrees that we should only fight against soldiers. Several comrades on the Political Bureau saw the events at the Square themselves. Everyone agreed to broadcast Wu De's speech.1 If we mobilize the people to disperse the crowd, then people are less likely to join it.

MAO ZEDONG: All right.

MAO YUANXIN: The point is to distinguish between the two different types of contradictions. Of course, the fact that this is right in the capital changes the nature of the incident. The good people will leave the Square, but some of the ones who leave are also bad people who wisely decided to get away.


MAO YUANXIN: When it comes to the material that was studied on the evening of the 6th of April, Comrade Hua Guofeng suggested that a report should be issued by the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and the Central Government also issued a document.

MAO ZEDONG: A public report was also published.

MAO YUANXIN: In the Renmin Ribao [People's Daily]?

MAO ZEDONG: Yes. A report by a correspondent, Wu De's speech, and so on.

MAO YUANXIN: The report of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee will not be published.

MAO ZEDONG: Yes. Accordingly, Deng Xiaoping should be dismissed from all his posts, but he should retain his Party membership, so as to see how he will behave in the future. This should be decided, and the next Plenary Session will review and approve the decision.2

MAO YUANXIN: It's a good idea to adopt the resolution now and then to do the formalities at the Plenary Session.


MAO YUANXIN: Should the resolution of the Central Government also be published?

MAO ZEDONG: It is enough to publish the resolution of the Political Bureau.

MAO YUANXIN: All right. At the last meeting of the Political Bureau, Comrade Zhang Chunqiao told Deng Xiaoping: «Look at the situation at the Square of Heavenly Peace! The capitalists are putting you forward as another Imre Nagy!»

MAO ZEDONG: Indeed! This time: first, the capital; second, the Square of Heavenly Peace; and, third, burning, beating, and smashing. These three things — all right. The nature of the problem has changed. Accordingly, expel Deng Xiaoping!

MAO YUANXIN: When I leave, I will immediately inform Comrade Hua Guofeng.

MAO ZEDONG: Xiaoping will not attend meetings. You should meet some people first. You shouldn't meet with Su Zhenhua nor seek out Ye Jianying. They both participated in the incident. Hua Guofeng should be made Acting Premier.

MAO YUANXIN: Should this also be made public?


  1. See: Wu De: Speech Broadcast at the Square of Heavenly Peace During the Counter-Revolutionary Political Incident (5th of April, 1976) 

  2. See: Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Resolution on Appointing Hua Guofeng First Deputy Chairperson of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Premier of the State Council and Resolution on Dismissing Deng Xiaoping From All Posts Both Inside and Outside the Party (7th of April, 1976)